SPUCS — Software architectures for Secure, Private, User-Controlled Smart devices

Funding programme: Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA)
Funding Agency: EU HORIZON
Project type: RTD
Web site: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/101108713
Starting date: 2024-02-01
Ending date: 2026-01-31
AUEB budget: 153,486.72 euros
Total budget: 153,486.72 euros

Contact: Nikolaos Alexopoulos
Scientific coordinator: Diomidis Spinellis


People increasingly depend on their personal smart devices (smartphones, smart watches, voice assistants) to communicate, access information, transact, and perform critical functions. These devices overwhelmingly comprise proprietary software and hardware components made by a handful of non-EU vendors. These vendors have exceptional control over those devices, raising justified concerns over anti-competitive practices, massive data gathering, surveillance, denial of service, and consequently personal freedoms and democracy. Digital sovereignty has been identified as a key political priority for the EU. SPUCS: “software architectures for Secure, Private, and User-Controlled Smart devices” contributes novel privacy-preserving architectures, realizable on existing hardware, that limit the control of vendors on user devices towards a future of open, sovereign personal devices.


    • Athens University of Economics & Business (GR)